Several prominent Catholic partners co-created the Catholic Response for Ukraine Working Group (CR4U). The group’s strategic plan aims to coordinate the Catholic response for displaced people in Ukraine and its neighboring countries, and carry out a coordinated and collaborative response that meets needs, prevents duplication of efforts, and leaves no one behind. The plan focuses on humanitarian aid, advocacy, data collection, communication, and religious assistance.

CURRENT UPDATE: #132 - September 9, 2024

The purpose of this site is to share information between the Working Group members, partners, Church officials, and wider audience about the work done by Catholic actors on behalf of people of Ukraine.

In additional to our own weekly reports this site provides an archive of UN reports on Ukraine since the beginning of the war as well as select media stories, and Vatican statements.

International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) serves as the convenor of the group and is responsible for updating this site on behalf of the Working Group.