Weekly Update #44
January 2, 2023


This section presents the most up-to-date information on the Ukraine conflict.  Key sources of these data are:

Further details may be obtained from the provided links to their respective websites.

General Figures

Refugees from Ukraine recorded across Europe 


Last updated 27 Dec 2022

Refugees from Ukraine registered for Temporary Protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe 


Last updated 27 Dec 2022

Border crossings from Ukraine (since 24 February 2022)


Last updated 27 Dec 2022

Border crossings to Ukraine (since 28 February 2022)


Last updated 27 Dec 2022


Source:  https://data.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine


(As of  December 27, 2022)

Total civilian casualties from 24 February to 26 December 2022

From 24 February 2022, when the Russian Federation’s armed attack against Ukraine started, to 26 December 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded 17,831 civilian casualties in the country: 6,884 killed and 10,947 injured. This included:

In Donetsk and Luhansk regions: 9,695 casualties (4,052 killed and 5,643 injured)

On Government-controlled territory: 7,579 casualties (3,569 killed and 4,010 injured)

On territory controlled by Russian armed forces and affiliated armed groups: 2,116 casualties (483 killed and 1,633 injured)

In other regions of Ukraine (the city of Kyiv, and Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kirovohrad, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Khmelnytskyi, Poltava, Rivne, Ternopil, Vinnytsia, Volyn, and Zhytomyr regions), which were under Government control when casualties occurred: 8,136 casualties (2,832 killed and 5,304 injured)

Total civilian casualties from 1-26 December 2022

From 1 to 26 December 2022, OHCHR recorded 681 civilian casualties:

Civilian casualties in Ukraine from 24 February to 26 December 2022, per month

This study aimed to document the reasons for disrupted access to medicines and medical devices in the early stages of the war in Ukraine. It describes the resilience of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical logistics system in the face of the invasion in February 2022. The report illustrates the different manifestations of disrupted access to medicines and medical devices and identifies a number of factors underpinning these disruptions. It also indicates how damage to infrastructure, logistics difficulties and lack of human resources were mitigated through streamlined legislation and volunteer involvement.

Source: WHO Country Report December 27


General Audience - December 28, 2022

Saluto cordialmente tutti i polacchi. Nell’avvicinarsi della fine di quest'anno, vi invito a rendere grazie a Dio per la sua bontà e misericordia. L'amore di Dio che si è rivelato a Betlemme porti la consolazione ai nostri cuori, turbati dal dramma della guerra in Ucraina e in altre parti del mondo. Anche voglio ringraziare al popolo di Polonia, tutto l’aiuto che dà al popolo ucraino. Ricordiamo che nella storia dell'umanità l'ultima parola spetta a Dio, perché "tutto appartiene all'amore". A ognuno di voi, alle famiglie polacche e ucraine che si trovano attualmente nella vostra Patria, la mia benedizione.

Il mio pensiero va infine, come di consueto, ai giovani, ai malati, agli anziani e agli sposi novelli. Il Bambino di Betlemme vi doni la sua luce e il suo conforto. Egli conceda alla martoriata Ucraina, oppressa dalla brutalità della guerra, il sospirato dono della pace.

Links to the full text in  ITALIAN

Angelus - January 1, 2023

On this day that Saint Paul VI wished to dedicate to prayer and reflection for peace in the world, let us feel even more strongly intolerable the contrast of war, that in Ukraine and in other regions, is sowing death and destruction. Nevertheless, let us not lose hope because we have faith in God who in Jesus Christ has opened for us the way of peace. The experience of the pandemic has taught us that no one can save him or herself alone, but that together we can pursue the paths of peace and development. Throughout the entire world, from every people, the cry is rising: No to war! No to rearmament! May resources go toward development, health, food, education, employment.

Among the innumerable initiatives promoted in the Christian community, I recall the national march that took place yesterday in Altamura, after four caravans that brought their solidarity to Ukraine. I greet and thank the numerous friends of the Sant’Egidio community who have come this year as well to witness to their commitment for peace in every land, here, and in many cities in the world. Thank you, dear brothers and sisters of Sant’Egidio.

In questo giorno, che San Paolo VI volle dedicare alla preghiera e alla riflessione per la pace nel mondo, sentiamo ancora più forte, intollerabile il contrasto della guerra, che in Ucraina e in altre regioni semina morte e distruzione. Tuttavia non perdiamo la speranza, perché abbiamo fede in Dio, che in Gesù Cristo ci ha aperto la via della pace. L’esperienza della pandemia ci insegna che nessuno può salvarsi da solo, ma che insieme possiamo percorrere sentieri di pace e di sviluppo.

Nel mondo intero, in tutti i popoli sale il grido: no alla guerra! No al riarmo! Le risorse vadano allo sviluppo: salute, alimentazione, educazione, lavoro. Tra le innumerevoli iniziative promosse dalle comunità cristiane, ricordo la Marcia nazionale svoltasi ieri ad Altamura, dopo le quattro carovane che hanno portato solidarietà in Ucraina. Saluto e ringrazio i numerosi amici della Comunità di Sant’Egidio, venuti anche quest’anno a testimoniare il loro impegno per la “pace in tutte le terre”, qui e in molte città del mondo. Grazie, cari fratelli e sorelle di Sant’Egidio!

Links to the full text in  ITALIAN and ENGLISH

Pope: Amid the scandal of war, trust in God and humanity